Gastro-Intestinal Health

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic systemic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, where the underlying cause is unclear, though there is an identifiable interplay between genetics, the individuals’ immune system and environmental factors. Research has identified that diet is a risk factor for the development of IBD, with the disruption of the balance of the microbiome, inducing a mucosal immune response in those with a genetic predisposition.
Our overall well-being is influenced by our nutritional status and is key factor in ensuring the appropriate function of the immune system. Ensuring an adequate nutrient intake during periods of flare and remission is a strategy that can influence the management of IBD.
Relevant literature from the last 10 years have identified that IBD is clearly associated with intestinal dysbosis. At present there are no specific nutritional regimen that is effective for all CD and UC patients. In the management of IBD, the goal is to achieve remission of the disease and maintain and optimal homeostasis and prevent any relapse through a specific and individualised diet.
Understanding how to modulate the composition and metabolism of gut microbiota through a nutritional approach is a strategy that researchers continue to explore. Researchers have identified that diet has a crucial influence the microbiota composition and function.
The use of the low FODMAP and gluten free diets have been effective tools in the management of irritable bowel symptoms for some IBD patients, though limited information is known of how these diet may impact the underlying inflammatory component of the disease.
Dietitian’s at Julie Albrecht & Associates, Food.Body.Life have the unique skills to assist individuals to optimise their nutrient intake, and explore whether dietary factors are precipitators of their symptom profile, providing practical and prescriptive dietary plans.